
Iltakirkko in English

Every second Sunday of the month we have an evening service in English at 16.00!
We also have small groups in different languages that meet during the week. 

Kyseinen kuukausi

Group leaders

Contact information

If you just moved to Oulu, we are happy to welcome you and help to settle in! Just come to talk to any of the pastors after the Sunday service or contact us by clicking here. 

Juan Castillo

Juan Castillo

English speaking small group
045 870 7240

Jean Cabulo

Jean Cabulo

Meets on Saturdays at 15 in the cafeteria
Swahili speaking small group
046 968 0484

Mykola Kuziakin

Mykola Kuziakin

Воскресные встречи в 17:00 в малой столовой на нижнем этаже.
Русско-украинская группа
046 562 2088

Meaza Degefa

Meaza Degefa

Amharic speaking small group
041 755 5658